The CREATIVE LIFE Newsletter

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

It Begins Here

This new illustrated column begins here.

Who is to Blame?

It's written by me, Janet Strayer, a published writer, visual artist, life-long traveller, and lifespan developmental psychologist with diverse cultural interests on and off the beaten bath

Why This Blog?

I'm sharing this newsletter to provide information, fun, inspiration, idiosyncratic ideas, topics and visuals that may pique your curiosity. Occasionally, I'll share l'll tips learned along the way.

I've written about creative adventures in art, culture, and travel for years. Now it's all being integrated in one online spot: right here!. Along with the more in-depth creative-life columns, brief notices of my art shows and events will be announced here too.

Your Comments

Please feel free to comment on any or all posts. I'd love to get your comments. Full posts for CREATIVE LIFE NEWS begin next week.

Don't miss out on free issues each month: Subscribe using the form provided.

Enjoy the ride!